Control issues (2019)
Installation with TV broken in the shape of a spiral, aluminium spiral.
Art+Text Gallery
Photos: Dávid Bíró

Perceiving reality with the help of narratives has always been fundamental to human thinking. While this can be a useful mechanism, more often it becomes a hindrance, if it gets us onto the wrong track during the necessary reduction process. If we create a spiral image of the Earth's circa 4.53-billion-year-long life, humanity only represents a single point at the very tip of that spiral. How could we possibly comprehend such unfathomable narratives which point beyond the history of our species? Perhaps the increasingly wide-spread "ecological grief" comes down precisely to a certain kind of desire to control, which keeps us from a fresh interpretation of our present. Stepping out of the dizzying and paralyzing oppression of the spiral we need to seek new positions in the age of the Anthropocene, from where we can interpret the quickly evolving scene in a responsible way.